This is probably the most important video that I have ever made, time is running out and the clock is ticking at an alarming rate. We are standing at a unparalleled point time in which hundreds of millions of people have unknowingly offered themselves as a sacrifice by permitting a “COMPUTER GENERATED” DNA altering substance that was actually created by an Artificial Intelligence programme, to be injected into their bodies without considering the danger or consequences of their decision, and there is undoubtedly going to be life changing consequences for those who permitted themselves to be so easily deceived.

Incredibly, mankind stands at the precipice of “EXTINCTION”, and the sterilisation jabs will play a major role in that agenda. The truth and reality is that those who willingly permitted themselves to be vaccinated, have in fact been injected with a Communist sponsored bio-weapon that can be activated by means of an electronic signal. Just because many injected people seem ok, doesn’t mean that they won’t become sick when the required signal is activated. What IF the convid jabs are encoded with a REAL virus? The world has been lured into an astonishing deception, with the overall plan from the outset to frighten 7 Billion people into taking a depopulation jab!

They have used fear to control society and now that fear is going to become a “REALITY” for hundreds of millions of “INFECTED” people in the coming winters. The unvaxxed are going to bear the brunt of hatred from the vaccine infected, because when the switch is flicked and people start dropping like flies, the finger of blame will be pointed directly at the unvaxxed. I believe that they are also close to crashing the worldwide financial markets in order to force society to go cashless and to also enforce the biblical mark of the beast. This is definitely coming, some people can stick their heads in the sand in denial, but that isn’t going to solve the problem..

I thank God that his people will spiritually overcome the kingdom and system of the beast, because without a solid faith and belief in Jesus Christ and the word of God, it would be impossible to overcome it.

Revelation 12:11-12
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the [devil] is come down unto you, having [great wrath], because he knows that he hath but a short time. And they [overcame him] by the “blood” of the Lamb, and by the “word” of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


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