Arrests- Intel in description 22-9-2021

I do not think we will have an EBS as the CABAL has surrendered.
On October 2 at 10:10AM ..Biden will be removed
September 17th a Peace Treaty was signed Globally
Trump was chosen as the person to head all the countries
but he does answer to someone else….A Benevolent Being
October is the great Reveal…..The Implementation.
The Military will step in for the days of darkness to go from the Bankrupt US CORP to a REPUBLIC.
Bitcoin which crashed 90% on Monday despite all the lies by the bankers will go up and then will crash for good.
XRP is the future and get into a blockchain.
Get your money out of the banks.
The Black Swan Event will be worldwide to get the sheeple
to wake up.
The Freemasons and all the secret societies will be going down.
There have been many arrests since September 11 and are being brought to GITMO……they even changed the Plane handles
to Qanon and the Cabal are pissed.


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