Calcium Hypochlorite (MMS 2): How I Make & Take this Powerful Medicine 21-7-2021

Although it may be difficult to believe, a $8 bag of this will last you almost a year and it is known to knock out just about every disease and ailment known to man. All you need is some geltab capsules because the powdered form of it needs to be delivered directly to your stomach (avoiding the touching of your throat and mouth). This is one of those hidden gems that is in plain sight and can only be discovered through study and discernment from what is truthful healthcare information and what is misinformation. It is used as a part of the Protocol 2000 (with MMS) as well as a stand-alone medicine with the Protocol 4000.

Learn more about Chlorine Dioxide and Calcium Hypochlorite as medicine Below…

Mark Grenon Podcast:

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How to make your own CDS with Sodium Chlorite and HCL:

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My Mewe Group – Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

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