The Symposium STING 15-8-2021

The Symposium STING 15-8-2021

Deep State Puppet Master Pulling Strings Of The 2020 Election Fraud? Soros's Lord Mark Malloch-Brown 14-8-2021

Deep State Puppet Master Pulling Strings Of The 2020 Election Fraud? Soros’s Lord Mark Malloch-Brown 14-8-2021

What the enemy fears most is exposure. So in the spirit of this, let me introduce one of the puppet masters that the Deep State is desperate stay hidden behind the curtain.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

Mark Malloch-Brown: career journalist at the Economist
Ascended to the (unelected) House of Lords under Gordon Brown
Former UN deputy secretary‐general
Chairman of Smartmatic
President of George Soros’s Open Society

Mark Steyn, wrote about Lord Brown way back in 2006, for National Review

“The bit in the speech that got everyone’s attention was when he (Malloch-Brown) argued that the reason the U.N. was so unpopular in America was that the moronic hayseeds in flyover country had fallen for the right-wing blowhards — or, as he put it, “much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.” He didn’t, in fact, say “Limbaugh” but “Lim-bow,” as in “Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow-Wow.” A chap as important as Mr. Malloch-Brown can’t be expected to tune in a radio and actually listen to Rush in order to get his name correct: After all, he’s a lot busier than those dimwit yokels in the “heartland”…

The deputy secretary general’s fellow speakers at this meeting included George Soros, who happens to be Mr. Malloch-Brown’s next-door neighbor and landlord. Mr. Malloch-Brown earns $125,000 a year, $120,000 of which he gives to Mr. Soros as rent for his home, next to the gazillionaire’s own in Westchester County. When they entered into this relationship, Mr. Malloch-Brown was head of the U.N. Development Program, which works with Mr. Soros on many multimillion-dollar projects. The deputy secretary general insists there’s nothing “improper” in his mixing of his professional and personal lives, and, indeed, by the ethical standards of the U.N. — which is to say, the Oil-for-Fraud program, the Child-Sex-for-Food program, etc. — there isn’t”

The enemy fears exposure, so let’s drag this cockroach into the light
Let’s make the identity of Soros’s Puppetmaster, Lord Malloch-Brown a house-hold name. Thanks for sharing o7

Update august 13th 13-8-2021

Update august 13th 13-8-2021