CERN 18-9-2021

Cern was created for a few reasons…
They claimed they wanted to find the God particle.
Cern is a Portal that would allow the Elites to leave Earth in case of Disaster. There was also one created on the border of North Korea and China for the Elites in the East to escape from, this one is not talked about and only higher ups know of this.
Cern was allowing Negative ETS, Reptilians and Entities to come in from the lower 4th dimension
Cern is the entrance to the huge underground bases in Lake Genava which all interconnect with each other from The Vatican, Switzerland,Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France which are used by The Cabal / Satanist for the first 3 floors and below that into the earth is only for Reptilians, Greys, ETS which go down for 100 Klm and more.
Cern has been shut down by Benevolent Pleiadians for some time now.
This is the REAL WAR above all the bullshit everyone talks about..Who is going to own your SOUL and who will own the Planet.
I have been saying this since 2012 while those claiming to have intel that came out of nowhere now want to preach and ask for donations and sell you cures that over priced for $60 to $80 plus expensive shipping when all you need is MMS for $25.00 that will last a year and take care of SPIKE PROTEINS from the vaccinated and cure you of Cancer,Malaria,Morgellons,Lyme etc.
You can also use Dandelion root very inexpensive and juice it…so why do these disinfo agents selling their over priced products
and making huge amounts of MON NEY in donations while they throw the word jesus to hook the sheeple!!!!


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