Simon Parkes Is A Special Guest On Dark Forces! – The Patriot Review 1-9-2021

Join Jeff and special guest Simon Parkes (Connecting Consciousness) as we discuss the deep state and dark forces at work in the world today. From Covid to the New World Order.

I WANT to say people are waking up. Sadly , this does NOT appear to be the case in the US. Those that are already awake , are being more vocal or showing their perspective more openly. But the sheep are still in fear and are NOT willing to think.

It is happening but much slower than I think even the alliance anticipated. It was always going to have to be a slow reveal, otherwise they could and would have exposed all of this within Trump’s first term and not had to allow the bioweapon and election coup to take place in a monitored/controlled environment for everyone to see and experience. There are multiple red lines being crossed and people have different standards and priorities, some woke up when they started coming after the children while others woke up when they got the jab then found out it didn’t do what they thought it was going to and they still couldn’t travel. The ones who are left still paranoid and thinking the unjabbed are the super-spreaders are going to need something so drastic to snap them out of it that it doesn’t bear thinking about right now, and even then a lot of them won’t get it until they’re physically deprogrammed. It’s a torturous process but it has to be, it’s hard enough for people looking for the truth to accept everything when found and many still come up against cognitive dissonance so it’s unimaginable to think how hard it’s going to be for blue-pilled sheep to find out much of their lives have been complete fabrications.


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