The Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States 21-1-2017


January 20th 2017 was the death of the Deep State. And the beginning of the rebirth of a Constitutional Republic long forgotten about. President Donald J. Trump delivered an inaugural address so powerful that it sent the political establishment and its legacy media bullhorn reeee-ing off a cliff.

But for the millions of patriotic Americans throughout our country, we knew that the Inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States was life changing. And looking back, his words continue to ring true, and his promises made continue to be kept.

Early in Trump’s speech, you hear him thanking his presidential predecessor Barack Obama, and visually you see the camera cut to an Obama close up. That is, however, only the recording of that day’s events that the mainstream narrative wants you to see. There does exist, a different video angle of that speech, one that was not live broadcasted that day and requires some digging on the internet to find. This alternate angle provides meaningful and critical foreshadowing of events to come.

The speech begins at the 28:58 mark.

At about 45 seconds into his speech you can see the two Servicemen behind him guarding the entryway, shift their positions. And as Trump continues with his speech, the camera changes angles. The live broadcast immediately cut to Obama, but at this angle, you can see that at 1:17 into his speech that more Servicemen approach the stage, and gather behind Trump.

This moment was unprecedented. Never before during an inaugural speech had Americans seen such an overt show of force quite like this. For a brief moment our new President was surrounded by Servicemen as he gave his Inaugural Address. They were gone as quickly as they came, like ghosts. If you blinked… or if the camera cut to a different angle… you would have missed them. But as Trump said his next lines…

“Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”

He was surrounded by members of our great Armed Forces. Men from the Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Marines were all visible. But what really stood out is the Military Intelligence Serviceman to the left, and a Judge Advocate General to the right. Almost as if it wasn’t just our new 45th President that had just declared a transfer of power from DC to the American People, at that moment he was the voice of our Armed Forces as well.


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